When you do not have the size or budget to employ your own specialists it can be very difficult to manage all your business functions. But handing over key functions to someone outside your organization can be equally difficult.
That is why at London Retail Services we have a rigorous and systematic but sensitive approach to providing our services to clients.
We investigate in depth what your particular needs are with both your management and – where appropriate – also with your employees. We then put forward detailed proposals for how best we can help you. For any particular requirements that we cannot meet from within our own team, we call on our network of trusted specialists to assist us.
We work with our clients in various ways, using customised combinations of different service levels:
- Advice and policies:
We provide legally-compliant and best practice policies for you and your employees to implement. Usually our clients then retain us for ongoing guidance and updates.
- Advice, policies, procedures and systems:
We provide a complete framework from advice to finished systems. Once up and running you and your employees do the day-to-day work. All of our systems are online so that we can continue to help you and update or modify these systems as the need arises.
- Full outsourcing:
We do all of the above and also provide the people to do the work. You will be provided with clear and simple online management systems to monitor what we are doing and regular reports and review meetings.
Key to the successful implementation of everything we do is the interaction between your management, your employees and ourselves. We pride ourselves on our rapid responses and clear communications.
Our aim in everything we do is that you should consider us as not just another supplier but as your partners – and as the safest pair of hands that you could wish for to help look after your business.