
Coronavirus action plan for retail stores

The following suggested actions are aimed at fashion or lifestyle stores but are mostly relevant for any public-facing business getting ready to open again. HR issues before employees return and store opens: Individual risk assessments for personnel Consider roles according to results of risk assessments Training of managers and provision […]

How complicated can annual leave and holiday pay be?

  Very, if you want to treat your employees fairly and legally. Time was, your employees’ holidays were the easy part and when they were away you didn’t have to worry about them. Not any longer. And let’s leave to one side the current turmoil as to whether someone is […]

Beware the Great British FRI Commercial Lease

  Whenever I come up against the FRI (Full Repairing and Insuring) commercial lease I come away thinking how unfair it is. Small business owners and foreign-owned companies hardly ever understand the full implications of what they are legally agreeing to – until it ends badly. Little wonder, as no-one […]

Consult, consult again, consult better

  Every small business owner wants to know what they have to do to get the best out of their employees (and numerous studies show that money is only half the story). HR gurus preach sweeping mantras of employee well-being – a vast, nebulous area that covers health, learning and […]